I have collecting lots of different types of photographs so I have a broad range to choose from at the end. Photos I have taken from my digital camera are on my blog, but the photos taken on my SLR are not all on there as they are on a roll of film which I haven't scanned into the computer yet.
Have you explored and developed your ideas imaginatively? How have you demonstrated this?
I have researched many different artists and photographers relating to my ideas and the photos which I have already taken. I tried to be different and not do the obvious.
Have you researched a diverse range of artwork and completed this on your blog? Who have you analysed? Is your analysis in-depth?
I have researched a diverse range of artists to find which idea I would like to take further. I have looked at John Thornqvist, Geraldine Georges, Jason Travis 'Persona' series, Rankin 'Destroy', Jill Orr and Virginia Echeverria Whipple. I think all these artists have a similar style, they use writing, drawing, [adding things to the images etc], editing parts of the image, and using kitsch and fun ideas [Thornqvist, Travis].
I have tried to edit some of photos using Photoshop, and I have tried to increase my skills in using it. I layered images, added colours, removed colours and changed to black and white. Handmade experimentation was my paintings on some images.
Have you refined / developed your outcomes through experimentation? How?
I have experimented with my images by using Photoshop. I also used my own examples for Rankin Destroy by painting and cutting up my photos.
Have you written in detail about your experiments and developments on your blog and used this information to help you improve?
I have tried to analyse my experimentations on my blog, but I have not added all the images which I experimented with. I have also analysed lots of artists, but some I am not looking to take their work further.
I think I have tried to take risks in regard to editing my images or changing them with the artists I have researched, in mind. I painted a photograph of myself with Rankin's Destroy series in mind. I have also taken images of lamps and city features which I anticipate drawing little figures and characters on, in the style of John Thornqvist.
Have you shown enthusiasm and imagination in your work? If so, how? If not, how can you make changes to do this?
I think I have shown imagination in my work, because I tried not to focus on artists that have been used by many students before, or that are obviously well-known for a particular style. I also think I have shown enthusiasm by reviewing and researching lots of different artists before I decide which one I will link to in my final piece.
Have you created work that is exciting and original? If so, how? If not, what can you do to improve this area?
I think I have definitely created work that is original, as I researched artists that are not necessarily famous or well-known, apart from Rankin.
Have you annotated your blog thoroughly throughout?
Yes, I have labelled everything so it's clear.
Have you practised with your exam outcomes by creating mock-ups? Are your outcomes skilful/ well constructed?
I haven't attempted to create a mock-up yet, as I am still unsure which artist's work I am going to replicate.
Not yet.
My Minimum Target Grade is a C. My predicted grade is currently a C. I think I can achieve this and hopefully achieve a B.
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