Monday, 28 November 2011

Edgar Martins

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Edgar Martins, born 1977, is a Portuguese photographer and author who lives and works in the UK.
I particularly like this image of the figure with the group of balloons because of the contrasting dark sky and light, sandy landscape is incredibly striking, and would not be as attention-grabbing without the coloured collection of balloons. I like the way the person is walking away, almost in their own world, towards the dark horizon. To me, this image reminds me of space, and in particular The Moon. The surface of the ground is very similar to that of The Moon. The only difference to this photo and Space is that there are no stars, no form of light, or any other aspects to look at.

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I love this photograph by Martins. The bright and light colour of the orange foreground is the only colour that is striking in this image. The background of trees is rather chilling and very reminiscent of winter. The fog and mist is spooky and the way the light from the cold sun is falling, reminds me of a deceiving Winters day, when the sun shines but the temperature is below freezing.
I like how there are some dark trees that stand alone and attract the viewer's attention before anything else. They are the most prominent aspect of this image, as the only other feature of this photograph is the mist-covered thin branches which are not as remarkable to look at.

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