Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Images from SLR Camera

This contact sheet is helpful in finding out which negative would be a good photo to develop. You can see the images in a larger format which makes it easier to pick the best ones.

I made this image by layering two negatives over the top of each other. The images are quite similar but the positioning of some of the subjects - such as the champagne bottle, is different. I think it works well because of the dark contrasting colours.

I took these images using a friend's SLR. We were experimenting with different backgrounds and ways in which light can be shown in the main prospect of the photograph which in this case is us. We held a small lamp in varying positions around our faces to get a good close-up shot of the way the lamps light adds such depth to the image.

Another  way of adding effect and significance to the photo was by writing 'Light' in different ways in the background. This was a simple and easy technique to add awareness to the main prospect of the image, and I think it worked effectively.

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